Original digital art created with ArtRage software -- All images copyrighted

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Altered Photos Using ArtRage3

It has been two years since I added any work to this blog. I have done a few pieces here and there, but I have not put any up here. Time to do so. I am still using ArtRage Studio Pro version 3. I start by drawing and painting an abstract image using my Wacom Bamboo tablet. I import an image to a layer and start checking out what happens with the blend modes. I duplicate layers and erase portions out or draw over them. I save the images in PNG and JPEG formats as I go. Sometimes a save the paint file. I should do more of that incase I want to revisit a specific image at a later date. I don't keep track of all the modes that I use. I should.

About Me

My photo
This blog is a place to show artwork created with ArtRage software. The earliest art was created using Disney's Magic Art Studio software. To download ArtRage go to http://www.artrage.com/

Rebecca Moore Website